How understanding our inner ‘drive to become’ helps us to navigate change

Sometimes we are happy with the life we are living. Sometimes we feel dissatisfied but we don’t quite know why. The reason for this dissatisfaction is our inner drive to Continue Reading →

Alan Watts: Realising there is nothing to hold on to sets you free

River flowing between mountains into a lake

For people who like to go a little deeper, this short talk by Alan Watts explores some of the philosophy behind The Churning’s approach to Inner Leadership and becoming antifragile. We are living Continue Reading →

Namechecked by the Institute of Leadership and Management

Manager with lightbulb as head

Great to see Inner Leadership being namechecked by the Institute for Leadership and Management recently. In an article titled “How can leaders win support for unusual business concepts?” Kate Cooper, Continue Reading →

Lessons on leadership from British politics

Sleepwalking towards a chaotic Brexit

“The UK is in a spectacular mess,” writes Martin Wolf in the Financial Times today. Why? Because “David Cameron launched an unnecessary referendum on EU membership” in order to pacify Continue Reading →