“A book which should be on every change-maker’s bookshelf”

We are delighted to report that The Churning, Inner Leadership has received its first full-length review.

Writing in his blog, Harvard Business Review author Simon Robinson, co-founder of Holonomics Education (the pioneering consultancy specialising in strategy, leadership, and “customer experiences with soul”) calls Inner Leadership:

“a rich compendium of extremely practical exercises and guidance… Invaluable advice… Easy to read…”

Each step contains:

detailed and clearly explained reflexive exercises, leadership tools and valuable advice.”

He recommends the book for people who:

“have decided to up their game and step up to the challenge of developing 21st century leadership skills where values and vision matter more than posturing and controlling behaviour.”

and calls it:

A book which should be on every change-maker’s bookshelf.

You can read the full review here.

You can buy the book from Amazon here and from all good bookshops, ISBN 978-1-910733-11-0.

Simon Robinson is co-author of Holonomics: Business Where People and Planet Matter, and Customer Experiences with Soul: A New Era in Design (2017).

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