Getting ourselves unstuck — a personal example

In this time of accelerating change, we will increasingly find ourselves in situations where we need to take decisions based on little information and without knowing how things are going to turn out. At times like this it is easy to become stuck.

Before we look at four techniques we can use to get unstuck (1, 234), let’s first look at a real life example

This was a situation where I needed to make what was literally a life-or-death decision, based on very little information, and with a great deal of uncertainty about how things would turn out.

Just as I was about to start writing this book I was diagnosed as perhaps having the same kind of cancer that had killed my father, just two months before.

This was very bad news. And it was very bad timing.

But the test wasn’t 100% accurate, so I might not have the cancer.

And even if I did, it might not cause me any harm. It might be non-aggressive or benign.

And on the other hand, the treatment they were offering definitely would cause me harm.

And on the other hand it might save my life.

Or it might not work and I might die anyway.

This was a life-or-death situation with almost no facts on which to base my decision. And as I tried to find my way forward, I found myself trapped by all of the three main reasons why people get stuck:

  1. Over-thinking:
    Because I had limited information about whether or not I had the cancer and high degree of uncertainty about what the outcome might be, I found it very easy to go round in circles, thinking “What if…? What if…? What if…?”
  2. Not knowing who I want to become:
    At the same time, given that the doctors were offering me a choice between certain significant harm if they treated me and possible death if they didn’t, I found it very difficult to choose which of these outcomes I wanted. (Neither!)
  3. Fear:
    And although I naturally felt afraid of dying I was also afraid of living with the negative side-effects of a damaging treatment. And I was afraid of making the ‘wrong’ decision — I felt I somehow had to make the “right” choice. Which meant I had not just one but three things to be afraid of, which led me back into overthinking, “What if…? What if…?”

And as I churned back and forth between To operate or not to operate, that is the question,” a thought suddenly popped into my head:

The problem is the opportunity.”

“Yeah, right!” I thought. “Thanks for that.”

But then I reflected. I had often heard people talk about this principle but I had never known what it meant:

“The problem is the opportunity.”

What does that mean?

If it were true then it would mean that in facing my life’s biggest challenge I would also be facing my life’s biggest opportunityWhich meant that this would definitely be a good time to put the principle to the test…

So I asked myself what the ‘opportunity’ in my dreadful situation might be.

Immediately, I felt my stress levels drop significantly. Somehow, just as it says in Chapter 3, simply looking for the opportunities in the situation brought me benefits, even though nothing in the situation had changed.

And then, with hindsight, I used the tools of Chapter 1 to connect deeply with what was most important for me. I identified the outcome I really wanted: a 100% cure with no harm. This clarity brought me the energy I needed to push to make it happen.

Then I used Chapter 2 to realise that the decision I had been stuck in, “to operate or not to operate”, was blinkered thinking. What I needed instead was to find an alternative between these two extremes.

And finally, I used Chapter 3 to convert my problem into an opportunity: I realised that the only thing stopping me from getting the outcome I wanted was me. My problem wasn’t the doctors. My problem was me: I was giving up my power to those doctors when they told me that no other options were possible. What I needed to do instead was to take responsibility for my own health and find a consultant who would give me the outcome I wanted: a complete cure with no negative side effects.

So that is what I did.

And as soon as I had made my inner decision I found that everything in my outer world fell neatly into place — far more easily and quickly than I could have imagined. Within two weeks I saw a new consultant. And less than a month later I had a very successful operation, with none of the negative side-effects I had been told were “unavoidable”.

If I’d applied this knowledge from Chapters 1-3 earlier, I could have saved myself a lot of  stress and anxiety and achieved the outcome I wanted much sooner. But of course I hadn’t written those chapters yet.

This whole experience of getting myself unstuck, and then seeing what seemed like a massive ‘problem’ become an opportunity, was a major step forward in my becoming antifragile.

Have you ever needed to make a critical decision, based on little or no information and with a large amount of uncertainty about what the outcome would be? Would you like to be able to do so faster and more easily next time?

Adapted from Inner Leadership: a framework and tools for building inspiration in times of change.

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(And remember: you can’t learn to swim just by reading about swimming, you also need to do the practice.)

Photo By Steven Depolo via

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