An example of ‘Story’

In a time of change, the best way to get people to do something new is by inspiring them. And the best way to do that is with Story.

We’ve seen that any inspiring Story is built from seven basic building blocks:

Now, as an example of what happens when we join these blocks together to form a Story, let’s invent one deliberately dull and boring sentence for each of these seven building blocks.

Let’s take extra care to make sure that each one on its own is tediously uninspiring. Let’s say bland things like “We are facing a difficult situation” and “We have all the tools we need.”

Now let’s see what happens when we put these dull building blocks together in a way that tells a Story:

“We are facing a difficult situation. It is unlike anything we have experienced before. But we come from a long line of people who have faced similar situations and overcome them. We can’t stay as we are, or go back to where we were: we have to move forward. And if we go forward in the direction I am suggesting then we have the opportunity to build something very special together. If we do this we will uphold our most important values and principles. We already have all the tools we will need. The only question is: will you join us now to play your part for those who will come after?”


Each of these sentences on its own is dull, flat, and lifeless. But like your mother’s cooking or the recipe for gunpowder, combining these ingredients in the right order and the right amounts can create something that is explosive and inspiring!

And if this can happen with the deliberately dull words I chose, just imagine the inspiration that you could create with your Story.

Story is the best way to combine fact and emotion so that the listener turns the story into their own idea and experience. Story is the best way to inspire you and the people around you to long to make your project succeed. Story is another step to becoming antifragile.

What is the Story you are currently telling yourself and the people around you about where you are going, why, and how you are going to get there? What would happen if you told a more inspiring Story?

Adapted from Inner Leadership: a framework and tools for building inspiration in times of change.

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(And remember: you can’t learn to swim just by reading about swimming, you also need to do the practice.)

Photo By orionpozo via

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