So, we’re back from our break, recharged and refocused — and we hope you are too.
While we were away we spotted this post on social media:
“So, The Churning is on vacation (?) and I’m realizing how helpful this is to my work each day.
Reading the posts clears cobwebs, ignites imagination, lands lessons — you know, just supercharges me! I highly recommend it!
Like Kenny Chesney might say, if he were aware of this work: ? Learn to dance, buy a boat, call your mom, BUY THE BOOK…?
It’s awesome sauce!”
So on weekdays from now to December, that is what we’re going to do: bring you short posts that clear cobwebs, ignite imagination, land lessons, and supercharge you! To bring you, and the people around you, the clarity and inspiration to get you through this time of change.
Photo By Mooganic via