Becoming antifragile in the new decade

A runner leaves the starting blocks

The 2020s have started with a bang. At the beginning of January, much of Australia was on fire. Then the president of the United States committed an act of war against Iran. Now we’re partly through the first wave of Covid-19.

All these things will make the Churning of the world worse. All will make the task of leading yourself and other people through it harder. And all are the result of poor leadership choices:

  • by an Australian government that chose to ignore repeated warnings that the firestorms (some 150m high) would happen and instead cut funding to the fire service
  • by a US Congress that chose to give up its power to decide when to go to war to a single individual, even when that individual is under impeachment, and
  • by a series of governments that responded to the virus too little and too late, compared with what China, South Korea, Hong Kong and others had already shown was effective and possible.

Inner Leadership is a book on how to lead ourselves and other people better through these times of churning. To learn not only how to survive these times but to thrive in them, by using the challenges we face to become clearer about who we are, what matters to us, and then become better able to inspire ourselves and others to make that happen.

Day by day this blog is sharing highlights of this approach, including some of the more than 30 tools and exercises it contains.

If you haven’t read the book yet, these blogs will give an introduction and an overview. If you have read the book they will remind you of some of the key points.

The posts will show you how to:

  1. Stay calm, centred, and grounded and connect more deeply with what matters most to you, no matter what happens
  2. Make clear sense of what is happening
  3. Find more opportunities to move forward
  4. Choose which option is best for you
  5. Maintain a sense of direction, focus, and continuity by getting clear on your purpose and values
  6. Describe your chosen way forward in a way that inspires you and other people to make it happen
  7. Manage the emotional ups and downs that will undoubtedly arise as you go forward

In other words, they will show you how to use the challenges of the new decade to become antifragile.

If you would find that useful you can check back here daily. Or find us on LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook. Or sign up to receive posts by email.

Adapted from Inner Leadership: a framework and tools for building inspiration in times of change.

You can sign up to daily posts here.

Photo By Sebastian Mary via

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