“Clears cobwebs, ignites imagination, lands lessons — awesomesauce!”

So, we’re back from our break, recharged and refocused — and we hope you are too. While we were away we spotted this post on social media: “So, The Churning Continue Reading →
Tools for Leadership in Times of Change
So, we’re back from our break, recharged and refocused — and we hope you are too. While we were away we spotted this post on social media: “So, The Churning Continue Reading →
Another short review on social media. Bonnie Vallette says that Inner Leadership: “…offers ways to build the skills needed to create one’s own scaffolding to change self, measure competency, and Continue Reading →
As we approach the publication of the second edition of Inner Leadership we have spotted a reader review of the first edition on Twitter: “Excellent: clear, pragmatic, practical, radical” The second Continue Reading →
Two more people have given feedback on The Churning, Inner Leadership. Joshua Englander, Business Director at MRM McCann, writes: “Given the times we live in, when matters of industry affect and Continue Reading →
Ilkka Kakko has just published his review of Inner Leadership. Ilkka is a serial pioneer, innovator, and entrepreneur who has served on the boards of several public companies in Finland. He has founded and Continue Reading →
The Institute of Leadership and Management has published a new review of the first volume of The Churning, Inner Leadership. Writing in their quarterly magazine, Leading Edge, Kate Cooper, Head Continue Reading →
We are delighted to report that The Churning, Inner Leadership has received its first full-length review. Writing in his blog, Harvard Business Review author Simon Robinson, co-founder of Holonomics Education (the pioneering consultancy specialising Continue Reading →