True leaders create more leaders, not followers

Some people think that leaders need followers. But we disagree.  We believe that: True leaders create more leaders, not followers. When times are stable, having an organisation under the direction of Continue Reading →

Tom Peters on leading the 21st-century organisation

McKinsey Quarterly recently talked to long-time management guru Tom Peters about how best to lead the 21st-century organisation. Tom had several very interesting things to say: On Automation: “I really Continue Reading →

True leadership is about empowerment

21st century leadership is about empowerment, not control

Successful leadership in the 21st century is about empowerment, not control. — The world’s largest accommodation provider owns no hotels and employs no chambermaids. Instead it empowers guests and bedroom owners Continue Reading →

Manifesting ourselves in the world

An inspiring story here from the South Side of Chicago, where a man bought a disused bank and turned it into “a stunning cultural centre.” In doing so he has partly recreated the world Continue Reading →

Signs of the Churning, 1: British Politics


Less than five months ago we were all certain that the outcome of the British general election would be another hung parliament (see: Guardian, Telegraph). Instead, the Conservative Party won a clear outright majority. In the resulting race for Continue Reading →

Drucker, “The only worthy goal…”

Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker, the first and probably the greatest management guru, made a major contribution to defining the modern corporation. He also gave his view on what it is to be Continue Reading →

People who DON’T take risks are making the bigger mistake

People who don't take risks make about the same number of mistakes as people who do, Drucker

Stepping into the unknown of the world as it is going to be, and leaving behind the apparent safety of the world as it used to be, can seem risky. But Continue Reading →