A different response to the refugee crisis


As EU and African leaders meet in Malta to discuss the refugee crisis, this video of recent events in Lesbos shows what no one else has thought of doing: making people laugh.

It proves two things:

  1. We can’t always choose what happens to us, but we can choose how we respond.
  2. Even for refugees in transit between the life they left behind and the uncertain future that awaits, food, blankets, and medicines are not the only things a human being needs: we also need joy and inspiration.

Leadership is about creating Culture as well as Outcomes. Using show not tell.

Clowns without Borders, currently performing in Lesbos, Greece.

The Churning contains tools for creating results and inspiration in times of change: outer leadership and inner leadership.

Chapter 3 of Inner Leadership contains tools to help identify the opportunities in any situation.


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