Meryl Streep shows how anyone can be a leader

At the Golden Globe Awards on Sunday, Meryl Streep delivered a powerful message.

Supporters of Donald Trump have since responded by saying that because she is not a politician she should stay out of politics. But The Churning believes the speech shows how anyone can be a leader.

Inner Leadership is about creating inspiration, and this is what Meryl Streep did on Sunday.

In doing so, she used six of the seven building blocks described in Chapter 6:

  • She tailored the content of her message to match the specific audience and occasion
  • She delivered her message authentically, unafraid to reveal her emotions, vulnerability, and sense of humour
  • She explained clearly what she saw as a problem
  • She related that message to higher principles, values, and ideals
  • She described the future she wanted to create (“safeguarding the truth”), and
  • She stated the specific actions she wanted those present to take: for the Press to hold the powerful to account and for those others present to support the Committee to Protect Journalists

The one building block she did not include was to push people to make a decision to take action. But that would have been inappropriate and it is never necessary to use all seven building blocks.

Anyone can be a leader. It’s not about what your job is, or how many people report to you.

And Meryl Streep showed us how.

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