It is important to pause from time to time to reflect on the progress we are making.
Are we still heading in the right direction? Are we being understood in the ways we want to be understood? Are we on track to build the vision we want to create? Even what seems like negative feedback can be useful.
So it was particularly heart-warming to receive this feedback on Inner Leadership, and this blog, from the managing director of a sustainability consultancy:
“An outstanding book. Inspirational and uplifting, a beacon of light in the social media jungle. Thank you!”
Then, more recently, another piece of feedback, by email:
“This is one of the most profound pieces you have written. Kudos — and thankful…”
This, from a while ago:
“The more I push into my edge, the more your work keeps me grounded AND accelerates my push forward. Grateful!”
And this, just a few days ago:
“Thank you for helping me find my leadership.”
Thank you all as well. It is good to know that we are bringing you practical tools that help you find your inspiration: a beacon that enables you to guide yourself through this time of change.
Inner Leadership: a framework and tools for building inspiration in times of change.
You can sign up to daily posts here.
You can buy the book here and the workbook here.
(And remember: you can’t learn to swim just by reading about swimming, you also have to do the practice.)
Photo By brookcatherine53 via