True leaders create leaders, not followers

Some people think that leaders need followers. But we disagree.  We believe that: True leaders create leaders, not followers. When times are stable, having an organisation under the direction of one Continue Reading →

Tom Peters on leading the 21st-century organisation

McKinsey Quarterly recently talked to long-time management guru Tom Peters about how best to lead the 21st-century organisation. Tom had several very interesting things to say: On Automation: “I really Continue Reading →

True leadership is about empowerment

21st century leadership is about empowerment, not control

Successful leadership in the 21st century is about empowerment, not control. — The world’s largest accommodation provider owns no hotels and employs no chambermaids. Instead it empowers guests and bedroom owners Continue Reading →

Management versus Leadership

Management is doing things right, Leadership is doing the right things -- Drucker

Management is about doing things right: efficiency and incremental improvement. Leadership is about doing the right things: choosing what matters and what doesn’t. Both halves of The Churning provide tools and frameworks to enhance your Continue Reading →

Hillary Clinton supplementary: “A new uncharted era”

Radical agenda for Hillary Clinton

Following on this morning’s piece on deconstructing the building blocks of Hillary Clinton’s vision, a friend has forwarded this piece on the need for a debate on “how best to Continue Reading →