You can’t just manage your way through change, you have to lead yourself through change


The brains of our ancestors evolved to notice change because change might mean one of three things: food, sex, or death. But when the whole world is changing around us, Continue Reading →

Clarifying your professional passions (Harvard Business Review)

Two ways to clarify your professional passions

This recent post by Robert Steven Kaplan, Professor of Management Practice and Senior Associate Dean at Harvard Business School, suggests two sets of tools for clarifying your passions: One is to Continue Reading →

“Resilience, the new must-have executive skill” (Harvard)

To build resilience ask two questions

The Harvard Business Review this month has an article on building emotional resilience. “In an era where business keeps moving faster,” the article says, “it is no small wonder that resilience has Continue Reading →

Positive teams are more productive

An article in the Harvard Business Review tells us that researchers at the University of Michigan have discovered a way to improve employee performance without increasing perks, benefits, or deploying new processes. They Continue Reading →