The word ‘decision’ comes from Latin. The first part ‘de’ means ‘from’, and the second part comes from the word ‘caedere’ which means to cut.
So when we take a decision we free ourselves to move forward by ‘cutting from’ all the options except one.
The cumulative result of all of these decisions will be the person we become by the time we are 84.
So when you find yourself unable to take a decision, unable to ‘cut yourself free from’ several options , ask yourself:
- What advice would your 84-year old self give you?, and
- What decision will turn you into the 84-year old person you want to become?
Chapter 4 of Inner Leadership provides five tools that help you choose the best way forward, including asking what it will take for you to have lived a worthwhile life.
Photo By Craig Sunter – Thanx 2 Million ;-)) via