On this anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s birth, a reminder that any challenge can seem impossible, right up until the moment when it is finished.
When we look from the outside at people like Mandela, what they achieve can sometimes seem so easy. Almost inevitable. And yet even to him it seemed impossible, right up until it was done.
The point is that it only seems impossible.
Chapters 1 to 6 of Inner Leadership show you how to make sense of the situation you face, identify the opportunities, and turn your preferred option into an inspiring vision.
As you work towards that vision, Chapter 7 provides tools and frameworks that enable you to manage the inner challenges that inevitably arise. They remind you that even though something might seem impossible, it isn’t. You have done similar things to this before, and you can do them again. With the right focus, some parts of your vision can even be achieved from Day One.
It always seems impossible, until it’s done.