On Brexit/bRemain: take back control


Today Britain goes to the polls to decide whether to remain a member of the European Union or to leave.

You cannot control the outcome. You might have a strong opinion, you might even have a vote, but no matter how intensely you care, you cannot control the outcome.

In a time of churning, this applies to everything. Nothing is under control. No matter which way this vote turns out, we cannot control what will have happened by the end of next week.

Accepting this can seem scary at first. But when we realise there is nothing to hold on to, it frees us to let go.

Then we gain extra energy.

We gain extra energy to do what we can control, instead of worrying about what we can’t.

In a time of churning, the only thing you can control is yourself. And if you know your purpose and values, then no matter which way the vote turns out tomorrow, there is nothing that can stop you from creating an inspiring vision of something that is in line with your purpose and values, and then working to achieve it.

In a time of churning, the only thing you can control is yourself.

Take back control.

Photo By Theresa Thompson via StockPholio.com

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