Achieving our goals in uncertain times

Achieving our goals in a churning world requires a different set of skills from achieving the same outcomes in a stable environment. What are those skills and how can we acquire them?

One way to find them is by ‘benchmarking’. This means looking at other organisations who are already experts at doing what we want to do and then copying or adapting their approach. So which organisations are already best practice at achieving specific, measurable outcomes in highly unpredictable situations?

I can’t think of a better example than elite army units. Special forces operating behind enemy lines know how to accomplish their objectives in fast-changing, unpredictable, even hostile environments. They achieve this by defining just two things.

First they make sure that, as well as knowing their specific mission objectives, every team member understands the overall purpose of the mission: the reason it is happening and the role it plays as part of the wider campaign. This means that, when things turn out differently from the way they expected, people can quickly find new ways to achieve the same purpose — independently if necessary. This increases the adaptability of the team.

Second, every unit is given rules of engagement. These define what actions (such as returning fire) are appropriate and not appropriate under different circumstances. This reduces distractions and keeps the unit focused on its priorities.

By defining these two things, special forces increase their focus and their adaptability, which maximises their chances of success in a fast-changing environment.

For us, the equivalents of purpose and rules of engagement are our purpose and values.

Our purpose defines the underlying intention behind whatever we are working to achieve. Being clear about our purpose enables us to adapt quickly to changing circumstances and keep moving in the same direction, even when the world around us changes. Because what we are working to achieve, and why we are doing it, can remain the same even when how we work to achieve those things needs to change.

Our values show us which issues matter to us and which issues we can ignore. This saves us time and keeps us focused on what matters most to us. Our values also enable us to define how we choose to behave, no matter what other people do or say. Again, this saves us time and energy, and it also keeps us centred and grounded: able to find the best way forward and move quickly to action.

By defining their purpose and rules of engagement, elite army units become more able to succeed in fast changing, even hostile environments. And when we define our purpose and values we give ourselves the focus and the flexibility to achieve the results that matter most to us, even in a changing world.

This is another step to becoming antifragile.

Would you like to increase your ability to achieve the results that matter most to you? Do you know your three core values and your life purpose?

Adapted from Inner Leadership: a framework and tools for building inspiration in times of change.

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(And remember: you can’t learn to swim just by reading about swimming, you also need to do the practice.)

Photo By USASOC News Service via

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