In this time of change, with so many urgent issues to address, spending the time to get clear on your purpose and your values might seem like a distraction.
But we’ve seen that, as well as helping you achieve your long term goals, getting clear on your purpose and values will also bring you eight very practical short term benefits.
And getting clear on your purpose and values will also show you something deeper: it will show you what success looks like for you.
This is because of the way that Inner Leadership defines your purpose and values.
First, the way we uncover your values is by asking you to remember the times when you felt most alive, in flow, “doing what you are here to do.”
And then, when we define your purpose, we say that your purpose is to use your best qualities, in the ways you most love, to create whatever an ideal world looks for you.
The more you then live in line with your purpose and values, defined this way, the more you will feel alive, in flow, doing what you are here to do and the more you will be using your best qualities, in the ways you most love, to create your ideal world.
In other words, the more fully you live in line with your purposes and values (defined this way), the more fully you will be becoming who you truly are, and creating what matters most to you.
How often do you feel alive, in flow, doing what you are here to do? In your work and in your relationships, are you using your best qualities in the ways you most love, to create your ideal world? Would it be useful to get clearer on your purpose and values?
Adapted from Inner Leadership: a framework and tools for building inspiration in times of change.
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(And remember: you can’t learn to swim just by reading about swimming, you also need to do the practice.)
Photo By kilgarron via