Drucker, “The only worthy goal…”

Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker, the first and probably the greatest management guru, made a major contribution to defining the modern corporation. He also gave his view on what it is to be Continue Reading →

People who DON’T take risks are making the bigger mistake

People who don't take risks make about the same number of mistakes as people who do, Drucker

Stepping into the unknown of the world as it is going to be, and leaving behind the apparent safety of the world as it used to be, can seem risky. But Continue Reading →

Management versus Leadership

Management is doing things right, Leadership is doing the right things -- Drucker

Management is about doing things right: efficiency and incremental improvement. Leadership is about doing the right things: choosing what matters and what doesn’t. Both halves of The Churning provide tools and frameworks to enhance your Continue Reading →

Drucker Forum 2014 shows the need for The Churning

Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker was the original management guru. A two-day management conference held in his name finished last week in Vienna. The key takeaways from the conference (highlighted in this article) provide a good opportunity Continue Reading →