Learning from your future

Research shows that most people are not very good at making decisions based on little information or when they can’t predict how things are going to turn out. So on Continue Reading →
Tools for Leadership in Times of Change
Research shows that most people are not very good at making decisions based on little information or when they can’t predict how things are going to turn out. So on Continue Reading →
In a world filled with change, it is often not the practical changes we find difficult but rather the psychological and emotional letting go of the way the world used to be Continue Reading →
After we have looked for the ten types of opportunity that can exist in any situation, our next task is to choose between the options we have found. Peter Drucker Continue Reading →
Peter Drucker, the first and probably the greatest management guru, made a major contribution to defining the modern corporation. He also gave his view on what it is to be Continue Reading →
Stepping into the unknown of the world as it is going to be, and leaving behind the apparent safety of the world as it used to be, can seem risky. But Continue Reading →
Peter Drucker was the first and probably the greatest management guru. The first of his 39 books was published in 1939 and the last in 2008, three years after his death. His work Continue Reading →
Management is about doing things right: efficiency and incremental improvement. Leadership is about doing the right things: choosing what matters and what doesn’t. Both halves of The Churning provide tools and frameworks to enhance your Continue Reading →
Peter Drucker was the original management guru. A two-day management conference held in his name finished last week in Vienna. The key takeaways from the conference (highlighted in this article) provide a good opportunity Continue Reading →